KATE purr

I am PASSIONATE about ushering in the REMEMBERING that our YONI (aka our vulva, vagina, womb & ovaries, pussy, cunt, however you love to call your genitals) is SACRED.

I am here to be part of the movement that is reclaiming our sexual energy, lifting the shame from our genitals and our sexuality, and EMPOWERING all beings to be in their fullest creative expression on this in this lifetime.

I live in the wilds of Cornwall, UK with my unschooled teenage son and his dad, my beloved.

I am a devotee of Mamm Norvys - Mother Earth - and I am a Moonwitch.

I follow the cycles of the earth, the moon, the cycles of life and death, and the way that these cycles are reflected in our wombs and in our lives and in our breath.

I am wild and witchy. I dance naked in the woodlands and bleed on the earth. I swim in the icy ocean and sleep under the stars. I look for magic in the feathers I find and I listen to the whisperings of the trees and the plants.

My path is to help others to find these wild, witchy forgotten parts of themselves - and bring them home.

I’m committed to lifting the SHAME that so many of us feel around our sexuality, our sexual energy, our genitals and our menstrual blood.

I am on a continuous path of expansion in my own sexual expression. As well as being witchy, earthy, I’m also pretty kinky! I love playing with BDSM and I’m dedicated to bringing the light to those of us who are turned on by power play. I’m well aware of the shame that so many of us experience in this realm and how living in the shadows of our sexuality restricts our creative power.

Whatever form your sexuality takes - be it hetero, bi, gay, monogamous, poly, kinky, vanilla, or any other of the myriad forms that sexuality can take - I celebrate you.

I believe that when we liberate our sexual energy, we can harness that liberated energy to fast track our spiritual growth.

My calling is to remind us all that we don’t need to look a certain way or be a certain age to be THRIVING in our sexuality - and to KNOW that we sexy and gorgeous and luscious - at ALL of our life stages - and that being wildy sexy and embodying our sexual energy might look different to how the overculture suggests it SHOULD be.


I am a white, able-bodied, cis-gendered, bisexual/ pansexual woman in a heterosexual relationship, born and living in the UK.

I recognise that there are many comparative advantages & priviledges that I experience and have experienced in my life through my identity and birthplace.

I am committed to continually reflecting and learning to dismantle the prejudices unconsiously embedded in my psyche through my cultural programming and upbringing.

I am acutely aware through my own lived experience of the impact that unconscious use of language and outdated belief systems can have on relationships.

My desire is to continue to move towards anti-racism and gender expansivness as human understanding and consciousness continues to evolve.

If you want to work with me and have identities that are different to my own, I would be honoured to serve you and would be delighted to have a conversation about how I can do that. If I believe that someone else could serve you more powerfully, I will suggest that.

my lineage

I have had so many teachers in myriad forms. It is important to me to honour my teaching lineages.

Professional Certifications & Training:

VITA Coaching Certificate Program (650 hours) with internationally renowned expert Layla Martin at the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality (ongoing)

Shadow of the Shaman - (2 year programme) - Energy Healing, Space Holding & Shadowwork
(Greg Manning)

Integrative Breathwork – Certified Facilitator
(Steph Magenta & Rae Rydall)

Wheel of Consent - Professional Training
(Betty Dodson - delivered by Robyn Dalzen)

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® – Certified Practitioner Training – Anterior Applications
(Rosita Arvigo - delivered by Amanda Porter)

Holistic Pelvic Care™ – Practitioner Training
(Tami Lynn Kent)

Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening – Certified Tantric Journey Educator®
(Mal Weeranatnee)


I also wish to honour the other, less obvious, teachers I have had on my path:

My son and my stepdaughter have been and continue to be some of my greatest teachers and I am committed to being in lifelong apprenticeship to (all) children, and to constantly unpicking the illusion that I know best.

My devoted parents who taught me from the beginning that I could be different, that I could do anything I wanted and that I would always be loved, no matter what.

My dearly beloved life partner who continually shows me all the places that I need to grow and patiently forgives me on a daily basis.

All of the clients that I have had the honour of supporting one to one and in groups - each and every one has taught me so much.

I am forever in awe and gratitude to the plant and mycelium teachers I have the absolute honour and blessing of being guided by. Words cannot convey the depth of my appreciation for these wisdom keepers.

Other big influences through various courses, books and workshops include:

Alexandra Pope & Sjane Hugo-Wurlitzer with their teachings around menstruality; Jewels Wingfield in menstruality, sexuality and earth based wisdom; my dear friend and sister who left this earth in 2021: Mandy Adams - who was an inspiration and great teacher to me; Uma Dinsmore-Tuli with Yoni Shakti, Mantak Chia and his huge body of work on Taoist wisdom; Kim Anami with her teachings around Tantra and Taoism; Jane Hardwicke-Collings with her prolific work around female Rites of Passage.