waking the witches

remember why you came here…

…you were born at this time, on this earth, for a reason…

…you came here to be part of the transformation that is happening right now - the remembering of our power and our truth…

...the world needs you to remember the potent power of your pussy. To walk your path in beauty. To CLAIM your sexuality and your pleasure.

how can orgasms change the world?

For the last few thousand years, the Western patriarchal overculture has forcefully repressed magnificent power of the vulva and vagina and female sexual energy.

When we reclaim our pleasure and our orgasm, we reclaim our yonis and we reclaim our power.

A woman in her pleasure who knows how to ride her sexual energy, navigate her menstrual cycle and life cycles, knows the depths of consciousness altering orgasmic bliss that her pussy is capable of transporting to - is a woman in her power.

A woman in her power is a threat to the power structures of patriarchy that have repressed and divided people of ALL genders and sexual expressions for so long and caused so much suffering.

Now is the time for these patriarchal power structures to crumble: for the destruction of our Mother Earth to cease, for the hatred of others based on their gender, sexuality, race and culture to end.

You may be a tiny drop in a vast ocean - and each and every person who reclaims their power creates a wave. As you rise, you give permission and inspiration for those around you to rise: we are doing this together.

i am here to shine a light as you walk your path…

I firmly believe that YOU have the answers. That YOU are the one you have been waiting for and that YOUR BODY holds wisdom beyond anything that our thinking minds could possibly grasp.

Too often, we give our power away on our “healing journey” - believing that we are broken and that somebody else needs to fix us.

It may be true that we can’t do this alone - we need hands to hold and maps to follow - but when we walk our path with our own two feet, our legs grow stronger. Nobody else can make the journey for us…

…and paradoxically, when we do this work, we do not just do it for ourselves.

We do it for our children and for our ancestors - for those who came before and those yet to come.

We do it for all the women all over the earth who are not yet safe enough - in 3D reality or through a prison of the mind - to claim their power.

We do it for the Earth herself and for all life on Earth - for balance cannot be restored to this planet until humanity remembers that the place that life comes from is sacred and holy.

We are waking up together

The time is now and it is potent.

The wisdom of the witches, of the womb, of the yoni, of the tantrikas, of the earth and the ocean, of the plants and the animals…

…under the guidance of the sun and the moon and the stars…

…it is all here being stirred in the cauldron of our pelvic bowls…

ceremonial bodywork

In-person somatic sessions using breath and physical & energetic touch: yoni healing, womb healing, tantric sessions, pleasure palace and more…

Yoni Magic - mentorship

Liberate the cosmic potential of your pussy in this transformational one-to-one, 6-month coaching journey.

Live your full orgasmic potential and embody your inner sex witch.

ceremonies & retreats

Channeling the power of the collective womb matrix for accelerated healing and integration.