Holistic Pelvic Care™

The Pelvic Bowl

The female pelvic bowl contains the female reproductive organs: the womb, the ovaries
and the vagina, as well as the bladder and the rectum. The pelvic bowl is our core, our root, our powerhouse. It is where all of our creative potential resides:

“The womb is the doorway where women have access to spirit at all times” Tami Kent

The pelvic bowl is also where we carry pain, trauma, emotional blockages and lineage patterns that can stretch back for generations. These patterns of tension that we hold in our pelvic bowl restrict us. They cause physical pain, discomfort or dysfunction and prevent us from feeling pleasure. They also prevent us from expressing our full creative range.

I work with women’s bodies using Holistic Pelvic Care to address trauma and restrictions in the female body.

What is Holistic Pelvic Care™?

Holistic Pelvic Care™ (HPC™) is a gentle pelvic bodywork method designed to physically and energetically align the pelvis. It was developed by women’s health physiotherapist Tami Lynn Kent, author of Wild Feminine. 

Women are often disconnected from their pelvic bowl and hold chronic tension in this area because of trauma, shame, toxic cultural or lineage patterns, abuse, stresses of life, injury, menstrual products – the list goes on. HPC™ aims to address these patterns.

“The primary goal of HPC™ is to empower a woman to fully inhabit her pelvic space and to occupy her feminine ground: physically, emotionally and spiritually.” – Tami Kent

Holistic Pelvic Care™ addresses the interplay between the physical and energetic patterns in the female pelvic bowl: a woman’s root. The treatment involves a gentle internal massage of the pelvic floor whilst exploring the energetic patterns that are held in the pelvic bowl through dialogue, breath-work and visualisation.

On a physical level, HPC™ treatments help to re-balance pelvic floor muscle patterns, realign the fascia (the connective tissue that wraps around the organs and muscles providing an internal elastic support system) and increase blood flow to pelvic organs, all of which can improve female pelvic health symptoms.
Physical realignment of the pelvic bowl supports energy flow through the root. And energetic alignment enhances physical vitality. The basis of HPC™ is energy work through the fascia. Clarifying our energy field in this way ultimately allows us to connect more deeply with ourselves and our families.

Who can benefit from Holistic Pelvic Care™?

Women at all life stages can benefit from HPC™. Although HPC™ treats more obvious pelvic dysfunction, it is also something that should be an integral part of every woman’s preventative health care.

Holistic Pelvic Care™ is offered as a supportive modality to enhance health and wellness, and are not meant as an entire approach to health care. If you have any serious medical conditions, please consult your health care provider first.

Specific areas that HPC™ can help with include:

  • postpartum recovery – physical and emotional trauma

  • preparation for pregnancy

  • fertility support

  • miscarriage/ abortion support

  • uterine prolapse support

  • pelvic pain

  • menstrual discomfort

  • urinary leakage or incontinence

  • vaginal discomfort with menopause/ post menopause

  • dyspareunia (painful sex), vaginismus, vaginal pain

  • impact trauma

  • loss of libido/ difficulty orgasming

  • chronic bladder or vaginal infections

What happens during a treatment?

Holistic Pelvic Care™ involves internal massage. A gloved and lubricated digit is gently and respectfully inserted into the vaginal canal. A muscle assessment and trigger point assessment is carried out initally. The treatment is very much guided by your body and the role of the practitioner is to listen rather than “do”. The HPC™ treatment is a nurturing, healing touch that most of us have never experienced in this area of our body, having only been touched there sexually or medically. Intra-vaginal massage is accompanied by external palpation and guided breath work and visualisation along with dialogue. The muscles are re-assessed at the end of the treatment and there is always a change in energy and tone after the massage.

The treatment can be subtle but profound and women usually experience notable effects after just one session. A minimum of two sessions is recommended to restore pelvic balance. Beyond this, the number of sessions depend on the individual’s symptoms and how she is responding to treatment.


How will I feel after a session?

Reactions to sessions will vary from woman to woman. Women often feel an increase in pelvic tone and a decrease in overall symptoms. The initial session usually initiates the most changes. Often imprints around birthing or traumatic events will have shifted during the session. Sometimes I will recommend working with other health specialists to support individual journeys.

Do I need to cancel if I am menstruating?

No, treatments can be carried out when you are menstruating.

Can I receive treatment if I am pregnant?

I do not carry out internal pelvic work if a woman is pregnant. However, energetic and external work can be beneficial at this time. HPC™ is of great benefit to women recovering from childbirth and treatments can be carried out from 6 weeks postpartum.

please note - i am currently offering holistic pelvic care sessions as part of a 4-month journey

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