pleasure palace

sensational awakening…


…receiving touch that is soley aimed at creating pleasure in your body…

…you don’t have to give anything back to receive this pleasure…

…you are held in a space of sacred touch: you are The Goddess and your body is a temple.

I will guide you in the use of the tools of breath, movement and sound to allow the energy of pleasure to move in your body.

I will introduce you to my “Box of Delights” with different sensational tools to delight ALL of your senses and will allow you to open up to the deep joy sensational pleasure.

We will work with different sacred touch frequencies: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Energetic.

In this Tantric Temple - ALL of you is welcome - all your emotions - your laughter, your tears, your rage, your ecstacy…

You may wish to explore pleasure around erotic zones in your body - including your breasts, vulva or vagina - or you may not…YOU are QUEEN of your own body and can decide on the touch you wish to receive.

Please note:

  • Often can we find layers of numbness or pain as well as pleasure inside the yoni - it is not always orgasmic first time around.

  • The aim of these sessions is NOT peak orgasm (although they can arise and if they do, they are welcome) - it is expanding your capacity for pleasure.

  • I lean heavily on The Wheel of Consent and will invite you into co-creating the session as we move through it, particularly when working internally - you are always in control of what happens to your body.

  • Sessions include initial consultation & intention setting, sacred touch and integration time.

please note - i am currently offering pleasure palace sessions as part of a 4-month journey

yoni queen:

reclaim sexual sovereignty and amplify your pussy power